Elffor – Buruzagi Ilunaren Bilduma

CHF 17.00

Disc 1
1. The Threshold of the Unknown Kingdom 04:45
2. Hidden in the Nebular Landscapes 05:58
3. Zhenon basotik haratago 14:10
4. Endless Dark Flames 09:15
5. Frostbitten Forest 13:22
6. Misterious Dawn 09:27
7. Ancient Rebirth 05:15
Disc 2
1. Kateek loturik… 14:10
2. Chaos Reigns… 05:47
3. Hondamena 09:25
4. Farryanth 08:44
5. Desphas 10:58
6. Gaua 14:54
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