Ähnliche Produkte

Supayniyux – Aniquilacion de Cristo
1. Adventum Ad Diabolus 05:29
2. Era de Semen y Sangre 05:00
3. Aniquilación 06:58
4. Lepra Gloriosa 04:44
5. Muriendo en el Horizonte 05:38

Besatt – Sacrifice For Satan
1 Gloria Causa Satani
2 Toast Of Victory
3 Time For Gathering
4 Fallen Angel
5 The Kingdom Of Hatred
6 The Circle Of Disdain
7 Spiritual Explosion
8 Hellish Whispers
9 Deadly Psalm / Bonus Track /

Malcuidant – Et Les Cieux S’Assombrirent…
1. Les cavées de la désolation 06:58
2. Drahkk 03:57
3. Pleurs infâmes 04:43
4. Lueur de désespoir 07:21
5. Ruine oubliée… 04:59
6. Et les cieux s’assombrirent… 07:51
7. Les noires lames de Seyr 06:16

Lutomysl – Catharsis
1. Пролог (Prologue) 01:30
2. Jet Black Metal Art 06:24
3. Денницы отблеском… (As a Gleam of the Morning Star…) 07:13
4. Прочь! / Away! 05:05
5. Осознать и преодолеть (To Realize and Overcome!) 04:47
6. Под предрассветной звёздою кровавой росою… (Under the Morning Star as a Bloody Dew…) 06:18
7. Катарсис/Эпилог (Catharsis/Epilogue) 05:49

Lutomysl – Decadence
1. First Rays 05:38
2. To Those Bearing (His) Gleam 07:03
3. Decadence 06:44
4. I Am of the Damned 06:42
5. In the Darkness 08:29
6. Quintessence 07:08