Animus – Animus
Animus – Animus


Side A
1. Shadows of Darkness 03:00
2. Weakness Shall Be Nevermore 02:32
3. Darkness Is My Castle 02:52
4. Of Heaven’s Fall 02:29
5. Call from the Grave (Bathory cover) 04:56
6. Shades of Evil 02:45
Side B
1. Shadows of Darkness 03:00
2. Weakness Shall Be Nevermore 02:32
3. Darkness Is My Castle 02:52
4. Of Heaven’s Fall 02:29
5. Call from the Grave (Bathory cover) 04:56
6. Shades of Evil 02:45
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Bacchia Neraida – Eternal Kingdom Hades
Bacchia Neraida – Eternal Kingdom Hades

1. Wolf’s Dirge 02:21
2. Imperium Gaia 02:00
3. Ades Zoferos 02:29
4. Hellenic Triumphant 03:07
5. The Golden Aurora 01:55
6. Eternal Kingdom Hades 06:54

CHF 5.00 In den Warenkorb
Bio Terror – Velatorio
Bio Terror – Velatorio


A1 Possession
A2 Velatorio
A3 The Occult Dissemination Of Pest
B4 Legion De Odio
B5 Bombarder Sexxx Assault
B6 Destruye Lo Santo… Invoca Lo Blasfemo / Possession (Live)

CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Black Bleeding – The Awakening
Black Bleeding – The Awakening


1. The Sleeper Has Awakened 04:49
2. One with the Universe 04:59
3. Proxima Centauri 04:22
4. Lord of the Worms 03:11
5. Demonic Quantum Boundaries 09:53
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Black Hearts In The North (Compilation)
Black Hearts In The North (Compilation)


A1 Balaam Support The War Against Christianity
A2 Eithel Sirion Torn
A3 Excruciate 666 Warblood
A4 Fera Hymne A L’Hérésie
A5 Peurs Ancestrales Supplice Infernal
A6 Fjällstorm Luciferian Black Order
B1 Nirnaeth A Pentagram Of Flesh
B2 Lord Dark Tales
B3 Dunkelnacht Ma Souffrance
B4 Vucum Came Black As Night, Red As Blood
B5 Electronically Lost Antigod Activisme
B6 Nürn Fangorn
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Blood Stained Dusk – Continuance Of Evil
Blood Stained Dusk – Continuance Of Evil


Side A
1. Invocation to Baphomet 03:44
2. Rentum Tormentum 11:24
3. Continuance of Evil 10:13
4. Purified by Steel and Inquisition 12:32

Side B
5. Rebirth of the Wretched… I Live Again 07:22

CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Caligula – Cristo Clavado En El Madero Del Tormento
Caligula – Cristo Clavado En El Madero Del Tormento


Side A
1. Intro 02:55
2. Cristo clavado en el madero del tormento 03:04
3. Imperio de Satanás 02:43
4. Alma Putrefacta 02:48
5. Lord of the void ( Archgoat cover ) 04:31
6. Terror Apocaliptico 03:32

Side B
1. Intro 02:55
2. Cristo clavado en el madero del tormento 03:04
3. Imperio de Satanás 02:43
4. Alma Putrefacta 02:48
5. Lord of the void ( Archgoat cover ) 04:31
6. Terror Apocaliptico 03:32

CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Camos – Baal Zebuth Baal Beth Zebuth
Camos – Baal Zebuth Baal Beth Zebuth


Side A
1. The Mantle of Lucifer 05:56
2. Into the Adramelech Bonfire 05:28
3. Under the Light of Moabe 02:55
4. Apocaliptic War 04:12
Side B
1. The Mantle of Lucifer 05:56
2. Into the Adramelech Bonfire 05:28
3. Under the Light of Moabe 02:55
4. Apocaliptic War 04:12
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Causam – Doomsday Rapture
Causam – Doomsday Rapture


1. Intro 01:42
2. Wasteland Utopia 05:33
3. Beauty of Decay 03:55
4. Born into a Violent World 04:33
5. Primal Instinct 04:11
6. Eternal 05:24
7. Meritocracy 04:00
8. Cleansing 05:04
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Crossodomizer – We Need The Ass Of Jesus
Crossodomizer – We Need The Ass Of Jesus


1. Sodomizing the Cross
2. This Is Eternal Blasphemy
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Deep Vein/Bloody Sign/Oppression – Split
Deep Vein/Bloody Sign/Oppression – Split


Side A
1. Deep Vein – Maniac 04:08
2. Deep Vein – Infernal Litanies 05:19
3. Deep Vein – Divine Perversion 06:32
4. Bloody Sign – Unleashing the Power of the Bloody Sign 04:48
5. Bloody Sign – Conquering Pain 04:22
Side B
6. Oppression – As They Rot 04:27
7. Oppression – Rise of the Undead 04:15
8. Oppression – Visions 04:44
9. Oppression – Death of Faith 04:27
10. Oppression – Prophecy of Darkness 06:25
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Det Kolde Nordland… Del 1 (Compilation)
Det Kolde Nordland… Del 1 (Compilation)


A1 Vanvid Nattens Kalden
A2 Blodarv Soulcollector
A3 Angantyr Niddingdåd
A4 Grimnismál Mod Nord
A5 Church Bizarre Church Bizarre
A6 Holmgang Runens Advarsel
A7 Sagntid Leave Them In The Dark
B1 Blackhorned Alter Of Blasphemy
B2 Zahrim Ulvegrotten
B3 Hellhaunted Day Of Tentacles
B4 Opus Obscurium Fordærvet Altervin
B5 Ravishing Mummified Children
B6 Vornoff Tågens Klokkeklang
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Disforterror – The Triumphant Way Of The Gods Of War
Disforterror – The Triumphant Way Of The Gods Of War


1. Sign of Steel 02:31
2. Fire Fighters 03:27
3. Warrior’s Death 02:54
4. Black Angel 02:38
5. Upon Guts of the Christians 02:28
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Dreignor Dragon Morth – Principio
Dreignor Dragon Morth – Principio


1. Oscuridad en la luz 09:08
2. Legado 07:10
3. En búsqueda del fin 05:30
4. Primer destierro 04:26
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Elite – Kampen
Elite – Kampen


Side A
1. Berserkerens manifest 06:22
2. Tusen aar i lysets vold 08:48
3. Brent av lyset 09:40
Side B
4. Kampen for vaart norroene rike 08:34
5. Trollkvinnens sang 06:43
6. Fanget i vrede 13:32
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
End – II
End – II


Side A
1. Dying Demon 09:14
2. Funeral Pyre 08:44
3. Defalcation of Psychopathia 07:58
Side B
4. Solus Pro Icendio Vitae 08:20
5. Winterfog 04:41
6. Damned Forest 07:29
7. Nebula 04:40
8. Pierced Genitalia (Carpathian Forest cover) 03:59
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Enochian – Satanic Ceremony
Enochian – Satanic Ceremony


1. Intro: Apocalyptic Holocaustus
2. Holocaust
3. Unholy Bible
4. Satanic Ceremony
5. Dark Cross of Hell
6. Black Consil of the Satan
7. Outro: Affliction
8. Encounter
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Eschaton – Summon The Manifestation
Eschaton – Summon The Manifestation


1. Lycanthropic Bowls 01:16
2. Scepticism of Blasphemy 04:19
3. Despair of Those 04:40
4. Misty Fog Covers the Forest 06:19
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Foghorn – Live In Brive
Foghorn – Live In Brive


Live In Brive recorded June, 21th 2021

1. Intro 01:26
2. Le témoin du passée 04:11
3. Le sang versé 04:32
4. Peste glaciale 03:31
5. Notre rage sera leur mort 04:09
6. Pensée et mémoire 04:35
7. De grès et de sang 05:47


CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Insidious Omen – Upon This Throne Of Waste And Decay
Insidious Omen – Upon This Throne Of Waste And Decay


1. Bound in Flesh
2. And Once My Eyes Had Forgotten the Sun
3. Hail Terror
4. A Scarring Quest of Purity in Form
5. Nameless One
6. Groveling Within the Zenith of Perversion
7. The Essence of Nothingness
8. Groveling Within the Zenith of Perversion
9. A Scarring Quest of Purity in Form
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Iscariot – The Black Square
Iscariot – The Black Square


Side A

1.The Ones Walking in the Night04:45

2.Crawling to Satans Throne04:27

3.The Evil Within06:20

4.Sky Agony05:22

5.Something Must Happen06:12

Side B

1.The Ones Walking in the Night04:45

2.Crawling to Satans Throne04:27

3.The Evil Within06:20

4.Sky Agony05:22

5.Something Must Happen06:12


CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Kaeltetod – Adoratio Mortem
Kaeltetod – Adoratio Mortem


1. Ohnmacht I 04:00
2. Seeds of Life Denial 05:24
3. Mother Pestilence 04:29
4. All Flesh Shall Perish 02:21
5. Cold Hands‘ Puppet 04:51
6. Ohnmacht II / Outro 09:33
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Kaeltetod – Wundenextrakte I-V
Kaeltetod – Wundenextrakte I-V


1. Extrakt I 04:23
2. Extrakt II 05:25
3. Extrakt III 02:46
4. Extrakt IV 04:01
5. Extrakt V 04:18
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Lucifugum – Социопат: Философия цинизма
Lucifugum – Социопат: Философия цинизма


Side A
1. – 06:13
2. – 05:25
3. – 06:34
4. – 05:18
Side B
5. – 05:13
6. – 04:40
7. – 05:11
8. – 06:29

CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Minervium – Eterno E Omega
Minervium – Eterno E Omega


1. Il canto del mare 02:37
2. Invocando il passato 04:59
3. Cenere 05:45
4. Eterno e omega 08:33
5. Interitus 02:01
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Moloch – A Journey To The Vyrdin
Moloch – A Journey To The Vyrdin


Side A
1. Svartalfaheimr 02:24
2. Ljosalfaheimr 04:53
3. Asaheimr 04:29
4. Jotunheimr 02:55
5. Helheimr 02:01
Side B
6. Vanaheimr 01:04
7. Jotunheimr (Pt. II) 02:52
8. En ås i dype skogen (Darkthrone cover) 03:24
9. Microcosmos 17:05
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Mortis Mutilati – Echoes From The Coffin
Mortis Mutilati – Echoes From The Coffin


01. Nameless Here For Evermore
02. La Lanterne Des Morts
03. Ophélia
04. Reliquiae
05. Echoes From The Coffin
06. Invocation A La Momie
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Nebran – …Of Long Forgotten Times
Nebran – …Of Long Forgotten Times


Side A
1. Introduction (The Recurring) 01:45
2. Fugitive from a Fallen Empire Pt.I 06:01
3. Fugitive from a Fallen Empire Pt.II 05:28
4. Against the Modern World 06:37
5. Peering into Darkness 02:44
Side B
6. Of Long Forgotten Times 05:51
7. Seclusion Pt.I 03:46
8. The Witch (That Never Existed) 06:06
9. Seclusion Pt.II 04:13
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Nox – Manifestaciones De La Eterna Noche
Nox – Manifestaciones De La Eterna Noche


Side A
1. Hate 03:49
2. Bajo la luna llena 05:04
3. Evocación 03:31
4. My Coffin Under the Sounds of the Night 05:30
5. K.Y.S 06:54
Side B
6. En la tumba 03:12
7. Evil Presence 05:15
8. Dead Alive 05:23
9. Unido con la noche 06:33
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Resistance – Cyclic Terror
Resistance – Cyclic Terror


Side A
1. Kingdom 08:42
2. Cyclic Terror 05:13
3. Herald of Crawling Chaos 08:26
Side B
1. Kingdom 08:42
2. Cyclic Terror 05:13
3. Herald of Crawling Chaos 08:26
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Skoll – Of Misty Fire We Are
Skoll – Of Misty Fire We Are


Side A
1. La luna del lupo 08:43
2. Into the Misty Forest I Go 06:38
3. Teutoburgo 06:54
4. Exercitus Antiquus 06:20

Side B
5. Misty Mountains 06:47
6. La tempesta degli elementi 07:58
7. Eternal Path 03:49

CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb
Sunken – Livslede
Sunken – Livslede


1. Forlist 01:33
2. Ensomhed 12:27
3. Foragt
4. Delirium 08:58
5. Dødslængsel 08:45
CHF 6.00 In den Warenkorb