Ähnliche Produkte
Besatt – Impia Symphonia
1. Czas wilka 07:25
2. Bałwochwalstwo 05:00
3. Krew moich wrogów 04:56
4. Samobójczy rytuał 04:27
5. Stworzony z błyskawicy 09:51
Besatt – Sacrifice For Satan
1 Gloria Causa Satani
2 Toast Of Victory
3 Time For Gathering
4 Fallen Angel
5 The Kingdom Of Hatred
6 The Circle Of Disdain
7 Spiritual Explosion
8 Hellish Whispers
9 Deadly Psalm / Bonus Track /
Lutomysl – De Profundis
1. Thou Shalt Shine! / Сияй! 06:20
2. The Blade of Reality / Нож реальности 05:57
3. Peace Is Not Found! (Ode to Lucifer) / Покой не обретён (Ода Люциферу) 06:08
4. The Night / Ночь 07:17
5. Angel with the Sign of Damnation on His Brow / Ангел с проклятьем на челе 06:44
6. Autumn Etude in Crimson Tones / Осенний этюд в багровых тонах 04:29
7. My Way / Мой путь 06:52
8. Proclamation / Воззвание 06:47
Supayniyux – Aniquilacion de Cristo
1. Adventum Ad Diabolus 05:29
2. Era de Semen y Sangre 05:00
3. Aniquilación 06:58
4. Lepra Gloriosa 04:44
5. Muriendo en el Horizonte 05:38
Mortifera – Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera
1. Fvrahgments 03:42
2. Le revenant 04:34
3. A Last Breath Before Extinction 05:32
4. Epilogue d’une existence de cryssthal 03:11
5. Ciel brouillé 05:49
6. Abstrbve Negabvtiyon Rebssurectyion 04:39
7. Aux confins des tenebrss 02:51
8. Fruits of a Tragic End (Celestia cover) 04:22
Forsaken Legion – Bloodline
1. Crown of Misery 05:51
2. Primordial Hate 05:37
3. Bloodline 07:26
4. Inner Shadow 05:54
5. Endless Light 04:45
6. Sons of War 03:26
7. Haunting Madness 04:25
8. Sweeping Torment 03:53
Vlad Tepes – Dans Notre Chute…
1. Raven’s Hike 03:38
2. Abyssic & Funeral Symphony – An Ode to Our Ruin 03:42
3. In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness 02:56
4. Tepes – The Unweeping 07:49
5. Nos Terribles Pensées 04:26
6. Our Soul’s Worries 03:52