Gasbrand – Dishonor, Madness And Calamity
CHF 12.00
1. | Salvation | 04:06 | |
2. | Fate of Melos – Part I: Dialog | 11:01 | |
3. | Fate of Melos – Part II: Perdition | 04:48 | |
4. | A New Dawn | 09:07 | |
5. | Der Weiße Tod | 03:14 | |
32:16 |
Ähnliche Produkte
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2. | Les promesses | 06:29 | |
3. | Souvenirs et cendres | 12:36 | |
4. | Le grand silence | 10:29 | |
37:36 |
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3. Sa majesté la mort 02:42
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Saturnus Terrorism – Pamphlet
1. | Aube & tocsin | 02:20 | |
2. | Division mysticisme | 08:19 | |
3. | Il faut obéir à la nuit | 09:53 | |
4. | Le philosophe aux poignards | 07:52 | |
5. | La garde d’acier | 09:10 | |
6. | La rhétorique de la terre – Part I | 05:42 | |
7. | Part II | 05:01 | |
8. | Outro | 05:44 | |
54:01 |
Horncrowned – Defanatus (Diabolus Adventus)