
CHF 5.00

1. Doominhated – Flowers of Evil 00:35
2. Doominhated – The Ghost and the Sadness of the Moon 03:51
3. Doominhated – At the Gates of Hell 05:18
4. Doominhated – Sabba 03:56
5. Doominhated – The Litanies of Satan 05:08
6. Doominhated – Mother Night, Mother of Time 03:16
7. Ringwraith – Halls of Moria 06:09
8. Ringwraith – In Minas Morgul Death Awaits 05:22
9. Ringwraith – Mounds of Mundburg 05:01
10. Ringwraith – Darkness Dwells upon Durin’s Tomb 05:29
11. Ringwraith – Elrond’s Council 03:11

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