Werendia – Folkvandringen
Werendia – Folkvandringen
1. I 06:08
2. II 05:05
3. III 05:14
4. IV 04:55
5. V 05:25
6. VI 04:45
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Werendia – Werendia
Werendia – Werendia
1. I 07:28
2. II 05:21
3. III 02:01
4. IV 06:27
5. V 05:11
6. VI 06:06
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While They Sleep – La Nausee
While They Sleep – La Nausee
1. In Harbor Extinguished Last Lantern 06:48
2. The Rats in the Walls 06:54
3. La nausee 05:49
4. Of Village 06:05
5. Infinite Length in a Moment 06:29
6. Hut in the Forest 05:09
7. Hermaphrodite of Being 09:23
8. Thy Temple 05:12
9. Melencolia 07:47
10. While They Sleep 03:32


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Wilds Forlorn – Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes
Wilds Forlorn – Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes

1. Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes 27:40
2. As Embers Dress the Sky (Agalloch cover) 08:00

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Wintaar – Tear You Down
Wintaar – Tear You Down
1. Time Devours Light 07:57
2. I Will Wait for You in My Hell 07:18
3. Dissolved by Visions 05:14
4. Thy Bones (Through the Prison of Anger) 04:30
5. The Circle 07:44
6. Last Step 07:05
7. Buried in My Own Sorrow 11:34
8. I Will Wait for You in My Hell [WV version] 08:14
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Wintarnaht – Pestilenz
Wintarnaht – Pestilenz

1. 99,9-Einklang 01:26
2. Pestilenz-Winter 11:13
3. Christ verrecke 07:46
4. Siohhi I 04:55
5. Der genagelte « Gott » 09:19
6. Siechtum II 02:46
7. Hans siste vinter (Darkthrone cover) 05:44
8. Fahler Frost-Untergang 05:32

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Winterblood – Herbstsehnsucht
Winterblood – Herbstsehnsucht
1. Nur der Tod hat mir Erlösung gebracht 08:22
2. Mit jedem Abschied wird Erinnerung geboren 08:42
3. Raserei des Meeres 10:10
4. Dernière 05:17
5. My Eternal Grave 06:26
6. Herbstsehnsucht 06:54
7. Saturnnebel 07:22
8. Dernière (Instrumental Version) 06:01
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Winterblut – Grund : Gelenkkunst
Winterblut – Grund : Gelenkkunst
Disc 1
1. Die Krücken, das Irrlicht 05:27
2. Treffen: Beklemmend 04:01
3. Wenn ein Tropfen fällt 05:24
4. Und Sorgen zu ertragen 03:17
5. Vom endlosen Schrei 05:18
6. Am 32. September 03:52
7. Qualenduster 05:03
8. Grund: Abgrund 05:29
9. 9 nahm er mit 06:31
10. Der Weg und der Traum
Disc 2
1. Die Krücken, das Irrlicht 04:39
2. Treffen: Beklemmend 03:40
3. Wenn ein Tropfen fällt 04:48
4. Und Sorgen zu ertragen 03:29
5. Vom endlosen Schrei 05:30
6. Am 32. September 03:32
7. Qualenduster 04:47
8. Grund: Abgrund 05:18
9. 9 nahm er mit 06:07
10. Der Weg und der Traum 04:59


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Winterheart – Beyond
Winterheart – Beyond
1. Beyond
2. Látomás
3. Senseless
4. Hypnosis
5. Unconscious
6. Captivity
7. Nélküled
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Wintermoon – Autarky
Wintermoon – Autarky

1. Horizons of Old Beliefs 04:38
2. Autarkic Black Metal 06:42
3. Cold and Ice 06:00
4. Wrath from Above (Immortal cover) 06:05
5. Under the Fullmoon’s Light 03:12
6. A Battle on Ice (Rehearsal) 05:16

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Wintermoon – Cold Sky Rising
Wintermoon – Cold Sky Rising
1. Icernal 01:53
2. Jötnar’s Wrath 05:08
3. Cold Sky Rising 06:28
4. Frost Giants March 05:23
5. Battle on Ice 06:24
6. Under the Icy Breath of Ymir 05:29
7. The White Earth 07:59
8. Thursgard Triumphant 08:09
9. Winterheart 08:12


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Wintermoon – Heartfire
Wintermoon – Heartfire

1. On the Path of Majestic Land 13:06
2. Prologue – The Hall of Glory 01:41
3. Heartfire 12:01
4. Epilogue – Hymn for Old Wisdom 10:51

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Wolfsgrey – Transilvanian Plaguespreader Committe
Wolfsgrey – Transilvanian Plaguespreader Committe
1. Grey Wolves Ride 03:44
2. Pure Transylvanian Style 03:07
3. Szeklerland 03:55
4. Holnap elmegyek… 02:46
5. Loaded Gun 03:48
6. Fuck the Jazz! 03:23
7. Fullmoon Calls 04:50
8. Whores of Hades 03:17
9. Sunday Morning Massacre 04:16
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Wolfshauch – Form-Mensch
Wolfshauch – Form-Mensch

1. Contergankind 05:38
2. Der Blutegelfaktor – Parasitenmarsch 05:28
3. Von Bindungskot und stinkender numina-Vernichtung 12:38
4. Kurs: Hüllennegierung – Dem Universum auf der Spur 03:28
5. Memoiren des Wahns 09:26
6. Skeleton – menschliche Entkleidung 08:26
7. Des Abgrunds Rechnung – Systemanalyse 12:12
8. Trans-Zentrale Wahrheit 06:06

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Wulfgar – Heidenwahn
Wulfgar – Heidenwahn

1. Umgeben von Wölfen 04:17
2. Durch das Leben nach dem Tod 03:00
3. Wurzel der Furcht 03:56
4. Lust auf die Hölle 03:10
5. Vorwärts zur Ewigkeit 03:33
6. Versklavt 06:04
7. Zum Kampf 03:31
8. Verbrannte Herrlichkeit 02:47
9. Für die wahren Helden 02:41
10. Hüter der Erinnerung 06:47
11. Kind ohne Geburt 03:13

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Wulfheim – Abomination
Wulfheim – Abomination
1. Overture – Cult of Blood 01:27
2. The Order of Scars 04:05
3. The Hollowman 03:54
4. Aegrus Umbra 04:33
5. Crown of Upheaval 05:32
6. Peccatum Vermes 04:13
7. Overture – Magnus 01:04
8. Heresy of Pestilence 03:35
9. The Psalm of Rats 04:14
10. The Subhuman 05:00
11. The Scarecrows Ceremony 03:53
12. Trolle Corpus 03:39
13. Epilogue – A Funeral in Nowhere 00:57  
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Wyrms – A Dead Decade Of Lucubrations
Wyrms – A Dead Decade Of Lucubrations

1. Ràhiissis, l’origine et l’éternité 04:03
2. Wohrnnakx, le vide et la matière 05:30
3. Yôehrhrr, la conscience et la mort 05:03
4. Mehxôhorr, la réalité et au-delà 05:22
5. Des forêts de cadavres 05:17
6. Passé est mort 08:29
7. La mort de l’ermite 02:15
8. Chevalier esclave 04:18
9. Les abysses de mélancolie (live) 08:27
10. Des forêts de cadavres (live) 05:39
11. Racine arrachée (live) 05:32

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Xaos Oblivion – Black Mountains Spirits
Xaos Oblivion – Black Mountains Spirits
1. Black Cave Prayer 10:54
2. Of Mists and Spirits 06:03
3. Paths 10:54
4. Wyryte na kamieniach (Carved on the Stones) 13:52
5. Wind (Endtime) 02:12
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Xaos Oblivion – Rituals From The Cold Grave
Xaos Oblivion – Rituals From The Cold Grave
1. Funeral Trance 06:22
2. Cold Illumination 05:19
3. Cursed Legend 05:04
4. Burial Black Ceremony 05:10
5. Madness from the Tombs 04:04
6. Sorrow in Stone (Tuga na kamenu) 05:16
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Y | I | Y – Dkvdnt
Y | I | Y – Dkvdnt

1. Dkvdnt 09:54
2. Incandescence 12:23
3. Vrt ov Lxv 14:44

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Zarach Ball Tharagh – Demo 31 – Nekromentia
Zarach Ball Tharagh – Demo 31 – Nekromentia


Side A
1. Nightmare Uncut 05:52

Side B
2. Nekromentia Dream 06:38

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Zareg – Extreme Nature
Zareg – Extreme Nature
1. Intro 01:08
2. Absurdo Silencio 04:02
3. No Light No Darkness 03:57
4. Tears of Blood 04:23
5. Crystals Muted 06:27
6. The Relation of Sun and Death 05:28
7. Misery 03:30
8. Decadence 03:43
9. La Creu del Diable 04:49
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Zdań – Pakuty
Zdań – Pakuty
1. Daroha ŭ nikudy
2. Smierć sucišyć bol
3. Jak žyć dalej
4. Nie smiej siabie zabivać
5. Hety sviet zvarjacieŭ
6. Staryja rany


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Zifir – You Must Come With Us
Zifir – You Must Come With Us

1. Interrior 01:44
2. Honour 03:30
3. My Greatest Weapon 03:51
4. Final Solution of the (k) 05:28
5. Circus 04:11
6. Ashab-ı Meş’eme 02:03
7. The Day 03:50
8. Emic Suicide 02:06
9. 4 05:07
10. İtiraf 04:45

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Zinumm – Beltaine
Zinumm – Beltaine
1. Imbolc 05:24
2. Samos 06:31
3. Uisneach 01:39
4. Oidche 07:38
5. Mayadama 03:50
6. Vellos camiños de vellas árbores 04:30
7. Belenos 05:47
8. Beltaine 07:45
9. Lugh 10:09
10. Lugnasad 06:56
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Zxui Moskvha – Bloody Remembrance Of The Noble Sun
Zxui Moskvha – Bloody Remembrance Of The Noble Sun
1. Fallen Sun 01:21
2. Imperial Blaze 04:10
3. Hara-kiri 04:05
4. An Endless String of Tragedies 05:55
5. O.dio 01:48
6. Lonesome Kingdom 04:42
7. Aftermath 06:48
8. Woods of Eternity 04:48
9. Forgotten Existence 05:21
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Zxui Moskvha – Descent Into Torment
Zxui Moskvha – Descent Into Torment
1. Intro 02:12
2. Bringer of Chaos 03:22
3. The Beginning of an End 07:13
4. Beyond the Desolate 04:07


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Zxui Moskvha – Reign Of Eternal Agony
Zxui Moskvha – Reign Of Eternal Agony
1. Call of the Abyss 05:06
2. Excruciating Agony 04:39
3. Cosmic Bleakness 05:35
4. Rise of the Ancient Ones 06:10


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Амезарак – Diabolical Finale Mortum
Амезарак – Diabolical Finale Mortum
1. Запах гроба 05:47
2. Здесь Зло 05:58
3. Некромант 05:23
4. Без инфантильной красоты 06:25
5. Лёд сердец 05:45
6. Жертва 06:33
7. Элоа 06:49
8. Finale (Part 1) 05:13
9. Finale (Part 2) 04:24
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