Hacavitz – Kauitl Palaktik

CHF 12.00

1. Conquista 03:22
2. Ravage 03:40
3. Fervour of Dead 03:27
4. Steal the Light 03:26
5. Down There (Beherit cover) 02:36
6. Wolflust (Angel Corpse cover) 05:02
7. Viaje a Mictlán 04:46
8. Ultimate Covenant 03:55
9. Steal the Light 03:27
10. Lusting the Dead ov the Night 04:18
11. Conquista 02:51
12. Down There (Beherit cover) 02:46
13. Suppose My Name 06:57
14. Amo Kitoa Nikpeua Tletl Ika Yeknilimiztli 06:51
15. Tinieblas 11:50
16. Cahuitl Tlalticpac 05:39

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